Return API version information

const char* miraacq_GetAPIVersion(int* pApi,int* pStep,int* pRev);


pApi - pointer to integer: Major outer API for all supported plugins

pStep - pointer to integer: Functionality version of this specific plugin (perClass Mira functionality changes)

pRev - pointer to integer: Revision of the functionality (only the plugin changes)

Output: Full version string including perClass Mira build info, lugin info and third party SDK version (if linked)


miraacq_GetAPIVersion returns full version string including information about the plugin and the linked third-party SDK used. Via three integer pointers, it also provides the numerical API versioning.



    int api,rev,step;

    const char* str=miraacq_GetAPIVersion(&api,&rev,&step);

    printf("API version: %d.%d.%d (%s)\n",api,rev,step,str);


API version: 1.6.0 (perClass Mira 4.2 (16-feb-2023) build 1548, Ximea plugin 1.6.0 (Ximea API