The Application Server is only available as part of the perClass Mira Dev product and requires presence of the "appserver" license option in the license file.

Check whether the current license offers Application Server functionality

  • In a running perClass Mira instance, select Help / Open license directory command, this will open the directory where the license file is in Window explorer.
  • Open the license file, called mira.lic by default, in a text editor.
  • The Application Server is available only in perClass Mira Dev licenses, therefore, the license file needs to start with "LICENSE prsysd mira".
    • If the license file starts with "LICENSE prsysd mira.gui", then the license is for perClass Mira GUI only and cannot run camera acquisition or the Application Server.
  • The license options field should contain the "appserver" string in order to use the Application Server.
    • Note that to control acquisition, also acquisition support needs to be present, this is the "acq" option.

Enable the Application Server function

By default, the Application Server functionality is disabled, it can be enabled in the perClass Mira settings file (mira.ini).

  • Close any running instance of perClass Mira
  • Open the C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\perClassBV\mira.ini file in a text editor.
  • Edit the value of line starting with startCommandServer to true: startCommandServer=true
  • Save the mira.ini file,
  • Start perClass Mira, and set it up for acquisition.

The perClass Mira output window should show that the Application Server is running and on which ports:

When opening the application for the first time with the Application Server enabled, Windows may request the user to open the ports in the firewall.

If you cannot see the ports open, double check that you are not running any security software preventing that perClass Mira application opens TCP/IP ports.