Exporting label images provides label masks as PNG files including class names meta-data. This is useful when using perClass Mira as a precise annotation tool for external machine learning training work-flow.

A destination directory can be selected of created. Optional scan name suffix can also be specified. This is useful to distinguish different groups of scans, for example, due to their training/test status or product variant. We may view the exported images conveniently in the Windows Explorer 

Class name meta-data

The exported images contain class name meta-data. 

Accessing meta-data using TweakPNG

Free TweakPNG utility can be used to view PNG file meta-data: http://entropymine.com/jason/tweakpng/

Accessing meta-data in Matlab

Using imginfo command in Matlab, we can access the meta-data information, stored by perClass Mira. We need to extract the "OtherText" property:

>> s=imfinfo('natural_objects1.png');

>> s.OtherText

ans =

  3×2 cell array

    'ClassCount'     '6'                                         

    'ClassFormat'    'perClass Mira 1'                           

    'ClassNames'     'Unknown,background,leaves,nuts,shells,wood'