Returns a pointer to pixel decisions on the last processed line

const float *mira_GetFrameRegOutputVar(mrkernel* pmr, int varInd, int maskBackground, float maskVal);


  • Runtime environment pointer
  • regression variable index
  • flag specifying if background should be masked
  • masking value put on background pixels (if maskBackground==1)

Output: Pointer to per-pixel floating point regression value for the frame


mira_GetFrameRegOutputVar returns pointer to floating point regression values at the last processed line. The pointer can be dereferenced for each pixel of the processed line (from 0 to InputDataWidth-1 inclusive). The output is provided for a regression variable defined by the index given in the second parameter). The third parameter specifies if background pixels should be masked (mackBackground==1) or not (maskBackground==0). If masking is requested, the last paramer specifies floating point value copied into all background pixels. The masking procedure simplifies post-processing of the per-pixel regression output.