Get the data layout of the acquired image

int miraacq_GetFrameDataLayout(makernel* pma);


  • Runtime environment pointer

Output: Integer denoting the data layout in memory

ACQ_DATALAYOUT_BIP      1 /* spectrum-by-spectrum (dimensions: bands-width-height) */

ACQ_DATALAYOUT_BIL      2 /* frame-by-frame (dimensions: width-bands-height) */

ACQ_DATALAYOUT_BSQ      3 /* spatial frame by frame (dimensions: width-height-bands) */

After the acquisition is successfully initialized by miraacq_InitializeAcquisition this function returns the data layout of image returned in acquisition.

For line-scans, typical layout is BIL where all pixels (width) and all bands are returned each time. Spectral cube is created by collating multiple such spectral frames, each with unit height.

For snapshot systems that perform band scanning, each band as appended internally. This results in BSQ data layout (width x height x bands).

For some snapshot systems, the data is already reorganized into BIP layout where the spectral data of each pixel is located next to each other in memory (bands x width x height).